The Federal Government has extended Social Distancing guidelines until at least the end of April. It’s very likely that many of us will continue to work from home well past this date and potentially into the summer. Below are 10 activities for your consideration to keep the ball moving as we embark on this new normal. 

1. Take an online course 

Sign up and take an online course to sharpening your skills or educate yourself with a new skillset. Check out this list of 450 Ivy Courses that you can take online right now for free. 

2. Launch a NEW website 

Having an online presence is now more important than ever. We have to fully embrace this new normal and make the best of it. If your brand doesn’t have a website now is perfect time to invest in one. If hiring a professional isn’t in the cards, take the time and learn how to build your own DIY website.  

3. Revamp your existing website 

If you already have a website that hasn’t been updated in a while and things are feeling stale, use this time to give it a make over. Update it with new images, replace outdated text with more relevant copy, play around with some new animations or try adding some new features. 

4. Build your email list 

Make an effort to grow your mailing list or start one if you don’t have one just yet. Offer discounts or free downloads for opting in to entice potential costumers to subscribe. 

5. Utilize your blog

Reflecting on everything you’ve learned in the last year or so and start building a list of blog topics. Write down as many ideas as you can and get started on writing your blog posts and sharing your knowledge with your tribe. 

6. Upgrade your home office or workspace 

If you’re suddenly working from home and don’t have a dedicated space for work, go ahead and create one. Already have a set up? Try sprucing up your space by cleaning up any clutter or by completely rearranging & reorganizing the area. Any improvements to the space that can increase productivity or comfort will go a long way.  

7. Plan out your social media ahead of time 

Plan ahead with your social media posts and put together a content calendar for the next few days and weeks. This method will allow you to be much more productive than planning and posting social content every single day. 

8. Find an online community

Following social distancing guidelines has likely brought all in-person networking to a standstill. Utilize an online community to network with your peers in your industry. They’re likely experience very similar situations as you right now and this could be a way great to discover new resources, connect with like minded people, and gain some insight. 

9. Automate your business where you can 

Improve upon some of your business processes with automation where you can. Create templates for emails, contracts, or billing agreements. If you have an e-commerce business, consider adding some sort of subscription model. 

10. Plan & create an online course 

Take your time and create an e-book or online course that you believe will be helpful for people to succeed. Your insight could go a long way to helpings others in your field, please pay it forward. Remember, we’re all in this together.